One of the much debated issue in the world today is the Hijab. There is so much objections to it that so many people have, knowingly or unknowingly, turned a blind eye to its very apparent positive side.
Simply hearing the word "hijab", a lot of people discard it as an Islamic affair. Personally, I feel such attitudes have denied many people the ability to think logically. Hijab has been given so many interpretations in so many discussions resulting in so many mis interpretations. "Hijab", in its real sense means a cover, a veil or a shield. While some arguments are clearly based on ignorance, some are plain out misleading.
Born into an African Islamic family where culture supersedes religion, I was never taught the virtue of using the hijab or the fact that it is mandatory. I grew up thinking that what is accepted in my culture as "modest", is the only modesty I should follow. Subhanallah. May Allah have mercy on us.
As I grew older, I realised that what I consider as modest, I cannot pray in! I noticed that whenever grown-ups pray, they cover up entirely except for their palms and faces. That was when I started asking questions like why do I dress one way when I pray and another when I'm not? Isn't Allah always with me? Who am I deceiving? Obviously myself!
Then again, I realised that whenever a woman dresses in an exposing attire, men are always quick to approach her. This, I consider a degradation. I'm a strong woman and I want to be respected. Not every man has the right to talk to me. And that is a protection Allah has given me through my hijab.
At the age of 17, I decided to take up the hijab but only while going to school. I was in the University then. I wear my hijab when going to the Uni and take it off when I return. I move around the town modestly but not in a hijab. I got used to it along the line and decided to adopt it all the time. It was a huge decision met by so many obstacles. an event I will never forget was my step-mother refusing to go out with me because of my hijab. I pulled it down that day just to go out. I feel so bad about it till today. That was also the day I decided to permanently adopt the hijab. . .and I did! And never looked back since then. Now my step-mother and I go to the same events in different cars. It doesn't bother because, aside from the reward I'll get from Allah, I feel very comfortable and secured. And today, i can stand up in front of all, give commands, and be obeyed!!! It is truly amazing what the hijab can do.
In essence, what I am trying to say is that try the hijab with an open mind. Think of it not as a symbol of Islam but as a fashion statement. Dare to look different. I will suggest a gown.(Its what I wear). It is extremely comfortable and goes with every and any occasion.
Try it!!! Its a DARE.
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