Over the past 30 months, I have been suffering from depression. It has been so bad, I wake up every few minutes of my sleep and pray. If not because of Allah's intervention, I would have committed suicide by now. Ya Allah help me, and everyone else suffering from one problem or the other.
I do not blame Islam for my situation even though that was what was used to get me into it. I blame my upbringing and my not-so-Islamic culture. I believe things would have been different if only i was taught the right things while growing up.
While growing up, I was taught that:
(a) The truth always sets you free;
(b) Always accept adults' decision. It will always turn out well;
(c) Be good to everyone.It will reciprocate.
This was what I learned both at home and in school. I was never taught what to expect in real life. I never learned that life is not all roses; the truth almost always makes your life more miserable; and adults almost never make a decision that favors you.
I learned the hard way what life really is! The true picture of life is not what kids are shown. And today, I wonder why.
I have learned that relationships are not rosy; and to get a happy relationship, you have to work it out. I have also learned that the closest person to you is not necessarily your fan; the fact that you are right will not necessarily make you a winner; and the person you trust the most may be the first person to betray you. I have also learned that sometimes to get what you want, you have to lie your way to it.
I have learned much more!!!
And today, I am suffering because I thought that simply by being truthful, things will have to go my way and I also thought that the closest person to me will never betray me. I was wrong and I learned that very late!
I believe children have the right to learn the truth about life before they get to experience it on their own. This will enable them to be prepared for any storm that hits them. If they are not able to avoid it, they will certainly be able to manage it and minimise its effect.
My present situation has taught me to teach my children Islam, show them their rights, and give them a different upbringing.
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